Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wow...deja vu

Ok so Wed morning I decide to go to Oceans and I am feeling pretty good about my game. I even get a great table and a great seat (table 40 seat 6)... I start of like a house on fire including an early triple up when I called a raise with AJ and flopped a full house. Somehow I got two guys to go all in and went from 3000 to just over 10,000 in a flash. I even commented I should leave the table and come back later so as not to donk of my chips. I did lose about 1/3 of my stack when I got an AK and flopped top pair but the board had three hearts and when two guys went all in I had a feeling someone had flopped a flush but there was too much money out there and I had to call. Sure enough I had one guy beat but the other had the flush. No problem, still had plenty of money and shortly after that I doubled up when my KK held up against AK. Then things went south. I had 10/10 and put in a decent raise and got one caller. The flop came 5/5/3 with two of them suited. I put in a big bet and the other player went all in (I had about 2500 more chips than he did). I thought about it and knew he didn't have a 5 and thought he either had a pair like 66 or 77 or had two big cards with a flush draw so i decided to call. He turned over JJ and I my stack was severely depleted. To make matters worse the next hand I had AJ suited and a slightly smalled stack went all in. I called and lost again. The next hand I went all in with 400 and was cracked on the river. From big stack to out in three hands. Now I know how Scottie Wynn feels.

Flash forward to Friday morning at Pechanga. Again I was playing fairly well when I looked down at 10/10. The blinds were 50/100 and I raised to 350. I got one caller and believe it or not the flop was 5/5/3. I bet out 800 and he snapped raised me all in and I sat and thought about it. If he had a 5 he would have wanted me to play but I couldn't stop thinking about the Jacks and eventually I laid it down. I had a pretty decent stack and didn't want to go out that early in the tournament. He showed and A2... so he did have some outs but I had the better hand and should have played. He eventually got knocked out by people calling his bluffs after they saw his hand against me and I eventually went out in about 40th place. But I could not believe I got almost the exact same hand (the suits might have been different) in back to back tournaments.

I will probably be playing a very light schedule during the Thanksgiving holiday but we do have a couple of home games (I use my own money for those) tonight and Thanksgiving night. I also have all of you to be thankful for this holiday season. You have given me the opportunity to pursue a dream and I can never thank you enough for the opportunity. We are still a little behind but plenty of money and plenty of time to go. My immediate goals is to get us in the black by years end :) Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

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